Sunday, October 21, 2007


Well Ive been back a couple of weeks now but Ive had a great break in the wonderful city of Berlin, if you havent been, go! Go Now!
The main reason to go was to see Crowded House on their world tour, but it extended into a mini break with my mate Dave who has been a few times before and knows his way round (always handy). By pure chance, Rufus Wainwright happened to be playing on the day we arrived, so as he is current weapon of choice in terms of listening for both Dave and I, it had to be done really! 
A late night Wednesday for me turned into an early Thursday and a drive up to Stansted, so not the greatest start as I was a bit overtired as was Dave by coincidence, but travelling to Germany was no problem save a train strike but we managed to get into the City centre without too many problems. We arrived at the hotel mid morning (can i recommend the Hotel Bleibtreu, Bleibtreu Strasse, Berlin) and went out for lunch at a very nice restaurant, (you may find that a continuing theme). A short walk followed by catching up on a bit of sleep went down a  treat, before heading out to the Rufus Wainwright concert.

Which was, Quite Possibly, The Best Gig Ive Ever Been To. Aside from Pink Floyd, who are legends, this concert was absolutely stunning. The man has such a voice, such a presence and being quite the showman too was an amazing combination. Showman doesnt really do it justice, because he is quite clearly being himself and sits well equally with the ostentatious moments as well as heart rendering performances with just him and the piano. I have never heard such mastery and range of voice as his, and the piano performance was outstanding. The band were great, I really cant speak highly enough of the whole evening which was based in the Volksbuhne (Peoples Theatre), an East German faded grandeur building and a very intimate setting.  Highlights were The Art Teacher, Tulsa, Leaving For Paris, 14th Street, actually too many to mention. even if youre not a fan, I urge to to go and see him to experience vocal and musical excellence. Go now. 

The City

Is fantastic. We walked back late at night from one side of the city to the other. What an amazing place, the people are the friendliest Ive come across on my travels, and the architecture and structure of the City is superb. Much of it is in rebuild, after the war, there are still many buildings that carry the scars or the place being flattened in the forties. I did have a strange vision in my head of Eastern Bloc concrete, depressed building types, and to an extent, you do get the feeling of State conformty and uniform architecture, but I find it fascinating, almost a romantic notion about it (im sure there are many that would disagree, with good cause) but the difference between East and West wasnt all that jarring, you can walk accross the place without much notice of crossing some line or other. Heres the TV tower which I thought was amzaing, and dominates the skyline (didnt get a chance to go up it im afraid, but next time):
The whole place is completely non threatening and walking around at the dead of night is no problem at all I found. 
The next day was spent on foot exploring the place, and I could post numerous photos that would not do justice to the City. We went to Ka De We, an amazing department store, one floor dedicated to delicatessans and food for example, where I bought some fine pipe tobacco called Sans Souci, (bit of a Rufus connection but its the name of a park in Potsdam that we visited on the Sunday - incredible place)
We ate very well at the The Opera House and in a near euphoric state of well eaten-ness and a stein of beer or two nearly bought tickets for a performance there that evening. Luckily we came to our senses, because neither Dave or I like ballet or would have a clue what its all about, plus its not the kind of thing you go to with your mate. Sorry 'Giselle', maybe next time. Or not.
Sans Souci
Is an amazing park in Potsdam. Potsdam itself is nice, a little place with some contrasting architecture but its mainly pedestrianised which is nice. 

The park itself is incredible, and we spent the best part of the afternoon there though could have wandered round much more. Built for Frederick the Great with palaces, follies, lakes, tea houses, gardens and a windmill (!) covering the area its a really nice place. Theres only so much you can say, other than saying go there! Here are some pics.

Crowded House
Sorry, Im going on a bit here arent I! Anyway we went to see Crowded House in the evening who were great, I was really suprised by the venue which was in effect some kind of church hall sized place! Great! There must have been only about  3 to 4 hundred people only, we stood next to the sound and lighting guys which added an extra interest for me, plus I blagged the setlist from the lighting guy so I have a souvenir! Cherry Ghost were supporting and they were good, thats twice Ive seen them too, I like them.  CH were great themselves, very slick, did what they did very well, a bit of banter, and there was some good singing from the crowd going on, which Neil Finn started harmonising to, and said we were in fine voice! So technically Ive sung with Neil Finn. Or something like that. Definitely worth going to see and topped off a great weekend. Out of the two, and its not fair to compare though because they do different things, Rufus wins. 

Last Day
Felt a bit dodge all day which marred it slightly but had a nice lunch (or is it dinner?) and wander around before heading to the airport. A few delays on the way back and hitting England was a bit miserable mainly becuase of the way it is and everyone in it. Thats a bit sweeping, it was the usual end of a trip thing but also everyone seems that much ruder and things seem that much harder. Plus id left my interior light on in my car like a muppet (Kermit I think) so had the AA out to get me going again.. by the time got home at 2 am was definitely ready for sleep.. but all in all a fantastic trip with brilliant company, cracking gigs, so viva Berlin, I thoroughly recommend it!

Any more?
House things going well, am repairing my fire and getting the chimney swept next week so it will finally give me heat and a warm glow about the place! How much dancing there is during the sweeping process remains to be seen.. Step in time!

I have wonderful and exciting news..

..and those of you who know me know it anyway, but suffice to say she's really wonderful and I am very, very happy, and we both feel the same. Hooray!

And finally..

after this mammoth post (sorry) im telling myself to shut up so Ill head off here, in brief have been to a beer festival, am looking forward to seeing Carl Heather and Abbey next weekend, works ok, just work, and will soon be Christmas! Right, time to go...

Monday, September 24, 2007

Where is it going?

..the year that is, I blink and its the end of September already.. My God..

anyhoo just a quick update here, hello to all you viewers out there. Hi. 

I love to ride my bicylcle..

Except when its persisting down with rain and a a crosswind and youre on a charity ride on the Isle of Wight.. In fairness that only happened at the end of an epic 71 mile ride, 5 hours 50 minutes later, average 12.1 mph (sounds slow, probably is, you try it). It started off really well, the most part of the island is stunning, its just a shame the weather turned and the hills became more demanding and more frequent, but hey, its for chariddy so we dont mind. The best thing of the weekend was the hotel, a very nice studio apartment to share with my mate, loads of room, seperate bed and fold out sofa bed (before you ask), balcony facing out to sea, massive bathroom, fantastic restaurant, some of the best food ive ever eaten, fantastic staff. I can thoroughly recommend the Hamborough Hotel, Ventor.

Video killed the radio star..

More wedding filming been going on, had a great though tiring day and am still in the throws of editing it all down..! Still, will be worth it!

The futures bright, the futures..

the iPhone! Out 9th of November, me being an Apple / Technology nut (and a fool with money) I will no doubt be there to embalm in the retail experience and then pay a fortune for line rental, still, should be great, until I drop it (I am inherently clumsy with things Ive paid a fortune for).  Doh.

Thought I'd something more to say..

but turns out I havent. Looking forward to visiting family next weekend, and Berlin the weekend after. Cest bon! Wait, wrong country..


Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Well hello again.. I couldnt think of a title but as I'm listening to A-ha, and I havent posted for a little while (theres a suprise) I thought it seemed apt! If you havent bought the Analogue album by our fine Norwegian friends, then do it now! Yes, right now!


Well its got to be the main news hasnt it, I am FINALLY in my new house, and its amazing, Im so, so pleased, and feel so relaxed and at home here already. I moved in on the 9th (if you know me you should have had an Edward Hopper postcard telling you that!) and apart from getting a sofa bed for the spare room, Im sorted! I have to say an immense thank you (as always) to Rob, who helped me move, and who I couldnt do most things without it seems. Thank you!

Its really nice here, lovely 'q' street, in a little village, and i feel really at home. I barely watch the telly (£28, eBay) cos Im often sitting in the kitchen listening to the fantastic DAB radio Rob got me as a moving in present, just reading the paper, chilling out etc, or on my very nice Ilva sofa, listening to music. I have garden furniture arriving Friday! Just in time for summer?

Anyway Im really pleased, its a new way of living I suppose, and it feels like I have started again after 9 years of renting, the last year and half of which was forced sharing, which wasnt ideal at all. 6 months ago I was leading a completely different life, its incredible how fast things change.

For now I am trying to sort myself out but at least I feel very content within these walls. One thing I have to do is stop spending too much money i dont have, which is hard for me..!

Miscellaneous Activities

Well I have been busy really, since April Ive been doing Ceroc on and off (more off than on recently). its quite good fun. Last week I went to a wedding, well, I was filming it so I was kind of there by default, but it was a great day. Ive also been trying to train for the BHF Cycle the Wight ride in September. Note trying..

Well its just a quick update really, i thought Id write more but turns out I havent..

Musically, can I recommend...

Arcade Fire (Of Course! Buy them now!)

Richard Hawley, fantastic new album 'Lady's Bridge'

and The Good The Bad and The Queen, brilliant.

Im sure there are others, I forget. Oh well. To the ale..!

Catch up soon..

Thursday, July 19, 2007

May, June, July..

Time goes by doesnt it? Well where are we now? I went away in April for a week, needed some time to myself (which wasnt enough I suppose) but had a good time, over my brithday. I went to Devizes for a bit (no reason, thats just where I ended up in the car, Id never been there before) and did some cycling round Wiltshire, very nice indeed. Meet some nice people where I was staying, and when I spoke to mum turns out I stayed in the same hotel she stayed at on her honeymoon on the way to Wales. Now thats a bit spooky. After that I went to my best mate Robs to celebrate my brithday and had a good night and next day chilling out. After that I went down to Arundel, and a bit of a mammoth bike ride tour round to worthing and back. Excellent! It was a good break, and also managed to get a new silver cross and chain as my birthday present from mum and Sarah (thanks) to replace the one I lost.

And so back to work, and with the other house falling through I managed to find a new one Im really pleased with and hopefully should be moving in soon. Its going to be really tight as I havent been good on the credit card doh (not that Im reacting to recent events or anything!) but I cant tell you how much Im looking forward to my own place. Just closing the door behind me, having some quiet time, sitting in the garden with my pipe, a book and a pint, that sort of thing! And being able to do some music too. I just need time to think on my own and im not sure thats going to be entirely healthy but youve got to get up to get down. No wait, thats dancing. You know what I mean.

Anyhoo.. where have I been recently?

Went to Hyde Park Calling, saw the awesome Crowded House and the amazing peter Gabriel, caught up with my friend Jenny (Italy) and had a general good time all round.

I also had a great time at Latitude festival!! A few minor grumbles but i wont go into them here. The Good The Bad and The Queen were amazing, so spot on sonically and performance wise, no nonsense, its a fantastic album which does take a bit of getting used to but the were the highlight, only marginally in front of the Arcade Fire, which might just be my New Favourite Band, they were awesome. Also good were CSS, Cherry Ghost, the Hitchcock film 'The Lodger' which was accompanied by a new score from a live orchestra, the Puppini Sisters, which were great (and the red head is gorgeous), Roger McGough (brilliant), painted sheep, (not an act, actual painted sheep) Air Traffic, the band with Robin Ince Book Club whos name I forget (two gavins and a something? Very good). And the Dj in the cabaret tent played out one night with dance versions of tracks from Bugsy Malone! Took me back to my youth!

So now Im back and still in festival mode, but cant wait for the house to happen. Going to stop rambling now, more soon from my head to your computer.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Blogger..

Well more time has passed since the last post, which was basically a filler (arent they all?). I see Carl (Norfolk Red) hasnt posted since last November so I'm a little ahead on him.. come on Carl, keep up!

Am no longer buying the house as the chimney needed far more structural work than previously thought, so I have to start again on that! My car got keyed, thanks very much whoever did that, and the insurance firm (will remain nameless but makes Elephant noises and tramps about like an Elephant looking like an Elephant) have been a bit rubbish! Thought you would actually be able to do things online with an online company but oh no.. and theyre post service has been atrocious! And the less said about my personal life the better frankly.

So, happy days..

Really like the new Rufus Wainwright song, Going To A Town, which will be on sale soon I hope, the iTunes store only has on sale in the States. Y'all.


I have ten tracks now which I am happy with and now just need to finish writing and recording them. Progress has been slow to non existent, but I'm really excited about the prospect of starting getting them down properly. Have to just overcome the impatience and sometimes boredom that comes of not being able to do it fast enough or good enough but once I get into it I really love the intricacy of getting it just so.


Am still reading 'Cash' by Johnny Cash, its really good.


Am working wmy way through The Mighty Boosh again, its brilliant!


Brie is my Cheese of Choice for today


Try Wild Hare by Bath Ales. Fantastic.


Oh yeah, Ive been away! I'll tell you about it sometime. Whoever you are.


Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Well you may be wondering after that last cliffhanger whats been happening! Or not.. Well I have still bought a house and am going through the ardous process of actually sorting it out. Visited it again today after the survey to look at the chimney stack in the loft which does need rebracing, but i think Ill wear that given ive already got three grand off the asking price. Spent a bit of time there, Im really looking forward to moving in. Its a small house but you have to start somewhere and I found out someone i used to work with lives just up the road. Always helps!

Ill have to get some work done there but to be honest its an older house and im quite looking forward to getting my hands dirty with it. i just want it all to happen now, though I am the impatient type..

This month has been incredibly busy still the overtime should come in handy.

Its my birthday soon! Hooray! I have no plans but I think Ill take myself off somewhere.

Rule No.1: NEVER work on your birthday

Rule No.2: ALWAYS buy yourself something nice (I think this year it will be my LCD telly for my new house)

I have a feeling I might be on a plane Italy bound or just getting in the car and heading off in my usual style just to be doing something!

Can i recommend the following music:

Mathematics by Cherry Ghost

Stop Me by Mark Ronson (cover of Smiths Song)

The new one by Travis (theyve bored me in the past but I like the cut of their jib on their latest)

I bought the Good the Bad and the Queen album, its different, not sure about it yet. still I listened to it all the way through in the car so thats saying something.

Im going to Hyde Park Calling! Hooray! Going to book a hotel also, cant be arsed with driving back after a days concert! it will be nice to stay up there!

Anyhoo rambling a bit now so see ya..

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Ive bought a house! My God!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

A kick up the.. no wait..done that

Some months ago I said I'd start again on this, now its halfway through February! Well thats a bloody thing. Ive just had a thought this is actually like just typing to yourself, and as I already know what's been happening with my life, I dont feel so bad cause I am already up to date.

Really, this last year has been amazing, and I think I achieved what I set out to do when I turned thirty, in that I really wanted to do more things and experience more. Florence is an obvious highlight, and Ive seen more gigs than I can shake a stick at. Actually they frown on shaking sticks at gigs these days, unless theyre glowsticks, and thats a bit 90's anyway. Good name for a band there, The Glowsticks. Anyhow..

Im learning Italian! Well I have lapsed a bit, like im in rehab, so, io non parlo Italiana. I shall have to get back off the wagon! Think Ive got my metaphors mixed up here. Plus Ive probably lost pace with Carl who is learning at the same time as me. Ciao amico, come stai?

I'm buying a house! Well planning to. Some mad bank is going to lend me money (The Theme from Godfather is the hold music) and Im viewing loads of houses, some of them ok but only one that stood out. Shame the 'vendors' (why dont they say seller) were acceppting other offers and whoever got the survey booked first won the house. This isnt eBay, so bye bye.

So at the moment I'm house sharing which isnt ideal but Im out doing loads of viewings. One'll turn up!

Right now I'm very excited about:

My neice's 6th birthday!
My goddaughters 5th birthday!
Norwich beating Chelski in the FA Cup today (this will later appear on the 'words I am going to eat' list)
Going to Norwich to see my friends in March
Buying a house (sort of)
erm thats about it for now

Currently I am listening to:

Snow Patrol
James Morrison
Seth Lakeman
Neil Young
Crowded House

I am annoyed about:

Losing my traser H3 watch
Losing my silver cross which was my 21st birthday present from my mum

For my birthday I am hoping to get:

A watch
A silver cross

I need to stop making lists. And in fact stop typing. Bye!